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Belfast December 2022

Superb promo video produced by Gareth Quigley

Arc TV vox pops... Barry
Arc TV vox pops... Patrick


What They’re Saying
updated May 22

... today I met a young girl who came back to the church through seeing you men praying on the street in Northern Ireland...

... I am delighted to hear about the men's rosary... you brought a tear to my eye this evening and the power of Our Lady is being demonstrated...

Praise God . How wonderful to hear and see so many men on the knees praying the Rosary. It’s true men play a powerful role in taking care of us women . We feel so loved and secure when men respect us and protect us . Thank you

The men of Perth in Western Australia copied your witness - but 24 hours beforehand!
Let’s stand United as men across the globe repenting before our God and calling upon His Mercy, and that the Immaculate Heart of Mary would reign!

"This is amazing. Everyone is fighting everywhere and this is totally the opposite. I feel the peace."

 I was delighted to have been there myself. It was an oasis of grace in the secular city; a great witness.

Thank you the videos! Some of my relatives in them It was a very powerful day and many good things happened. A woman told me yesterday that a son of a friend hadn't contacted his mother in 10 years and she was praying for that situation and two days after the men's Rosary on the street he called her and invited her to visit him

Well done on all your wonderful work. The mens  Rosary is becoming a powerful witness and please God will effect many hearts.

Sunset Views

Other folks reporting ...

Friends of our rosary have sent us various links and reports of these amazing days.  
Keep us posted with your own updates!

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